If you would like to get involved in our Church here are some of the committees that you may be interested in. If you want more information please feel free to ask the office or any of the members and we will be glad to help.

Altar Guild

This group takes care of our Lord’s altar by preparing and cleaning up Holy Communion, changing the paraments when needed, keeping track of supplies, etc.

Board of Christian Education

This group is made up of Sunday school teachers and the director of education and is in charge of all aspects of Christian education: Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, etc.

Board of Elders

The congregation is divided into groups, each led by an elder. Each month a different elder and trustee leads their group with Sunday greeting, ushering and providing refreshments on the first Sunday of the month. It’s a good way to serve your church and get acquainted with other members.

Board of Trustees

The objectives of this Board are the proper maintenance and repair of church property, the representation of the congregation in all legal matters and the general protection of the congregation against lost or damage of whatever nature.

Evangelism Committee

Some of the responsibilities of this committee are to follow up with visitors and new members, promote ways to make people feel welcome, sponsor the annual Community Food Drive (members canvas the community for donations to the local food bank), Friendship Sunday (last Sunday in February) and to host a new member receptions held periodically throughout the year. The Adopt a Highway cleanup is held twice each year, once in the spring and once in the fall. 

Fellowship Committee

This committee plans and/or supervises congregational activities. They sponsor potlucks, special dinners, the annual church picnic and other social events. 

LWML - Lutheran Women Missionary League

All women at Shepherd of the Hills are considered members. They meet every 3rd Tuesday of each month from Sept. through May at 11:30 am for lunch, bible study and a meeting. This group sponsors Quilting, led by Betty Slusher, (Tuesdays from 10 am until 2 pm from Sept.—May), as well as other projects for Lutheran World Relief, the annual bazaar in mid-November (we sell craft & bakery items, white elephant items and lunch), helping with receptions for weddings, funerals, showers, confirmation, graduation, etc. and also participate in district rallies. Feather the Turkey is a special fundraiser held in the fall to provide dinners for those in need. Healing Meals provides meals for members who are ill or just home from the hospital. 


We have an Adult Choir, additionally we have a hand bell choir.  Please look under the Ministries tab for more information about our Music department.

Parish Nurses

A LCMS Parish Nurse is a registered nurse with an intentional focus on spiritual  health, who primarily uses interventions of education, counseling, prayer, presence, active listening, advocacy, and referral to improve the health of the congregation.

LCMS Parish Nurses does not compete with other health care services within our community; rather, they work together to provide and enhance heath care delivery to our congregation.

Social Ministries

When people have special needs requiring immediate attention, this committee generates funds to assist (such as help with utilities, rent, food, gas, etc.). Direction is also given to other sources of help within the community. This group hosts Blood Drives several times a year. A section of the church library is dedicated solely to Social Ministries information. 

Stewardship Committee

Set the strategic vision of the church. Plan for future expansion. Controls the upgrades to the equipment for energy efficiency. 
