VBS and Family Bible Day
June 26-28
9 am to 12 Noon

Weโ€™re going on an epic adventure through Australia, and youโ€™re invited! Jesus, who tells us โ€œI am the way, and the truth, and the lifeโ€ (John 14:6) will be our guide as we encounter amazing animals, lush landscapes, stunning sea life, and wondrous wilderness.ย 

Epic Australian Adventure VBS Lessons include:

  • Lesson One: God Calls Moses - Exodus 3
  • Lesson Two: God Leads His People to the Promised Land - Joshua 3โ€“4
  • Lesson Three: The Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25โ€“37
  • Lesson Four: Peter and John Race to the Tomb - John 20:1โ€“10, 19โ€“20
  • Lesson Five: Jesus Ascends to the Father - Luke 24:44โ€“53; Acts 1:1โ€“11

This year we will once again have our hybrid VBS. Thursday and Friday will be our standard VBS program while Saturday will be a family day. Saturday we will start with our Bible lessons and then, as a family, you will have the opportunity to have several different experiences related to the lessons we have had.ย We will be providing lunch on Saturday.

Mark your calendar for June 26-28, 2025!!

Pre-Registration Mandatory

Registration Opening Soon!

